Abigail Williams - Reverend Parris’s niece.Nevertheless, he has a hidden sin-his affair with Abigail Williams. A stern, harsh-tongued man, John hates hypocrisy. John Proctor - A local farmer who lives just outside town Elizabeth Proctor’s husband.deposition parish pilgrimage plaintiff poppet predilection pretense prodigious propriety providence reproach struck dumb subservient titillated trepidation vengeance.Post 9-11 era is ripe with continued civil liberty abuse as homeland security continues to justify these emerging abuses as necessary practices.Suspension of Civil liberties can never be justified – ever.Both American historical events, both travesties of justice.No evidence was ever introduced other than word of mouth, or the word of the accused in their own defence.Guilt was assumed, innocence had to earned.Citizens could be accused, and face terrible repercussions.Real cause either biological (mould infection in rye bread, or social (greed, attention seeking, spite).Used what was considered empirical evidence to determine guilt 9touch, blemishes).19 hung, 5 die in prison during the hunt.Puritan community, fleeing English religious reforms of Protestant Church.Showed that truth at any coast was too expensive a price to pay.Truth of the list fictitious nature ended McCarthy’s career as a politician.Many citizens were accused, tried, fined, or jailed because of the false accusations of one man.Red Scare during the cold war of the 1950’s was enough to attract a strong supporting crowd for McCarty.Produced a list of 207 know communists (government officials, celebrities).Senator McCarthy was facing re-election after a very uneventful term (did little to earn another appointment).Went on to become a American power house in theatre:Streetcar Named DesireDeath of a SalesmanThe Crucible.First play was a complete flop, pulled from Broadway after three shows.Had a profound impact on shaping Arthur into becoming a mega-celebrity.Grew up during the 1930 ‘s and the Great Depression.